17 August 2012

River Cruise

For the first time since I got to China I have had some trouble accessing the internet. Therefore, I am a little late with my update.

Two days ago the university arranged for the summer course students to go on a river cruise on Huangpujiang, the river that divides Shanghai into Pudong and Puxi. A lot of students were going, and I went with my two Japanese room mates.

It was a beautiful scenery. Pudong, the finance district, with all its buildings were lit up beautifully. On the other shore the colonial western style buildings were also illuminated.  Below you can see some of it, as good as my camera could caption it in the dark.

Beside my room mates, I also met up with some other friends from school, among them a huge group of Norwegians!

Maki, Japan, and Adrian, Norway

Pudong by night

Valeria, Italy, and Michelle, USA

Valeria and I

Oriental Pearl Tower

Room mates, Norwegians and I

Espen, Norway, 197 cm next to mini Chinese guy

Frank, USA and Espen, Norway

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