7 May 2011

Debate and Mid-terms

Yesterday in class we were all fully prepared for our first debate. Our Laoshi had told us the structure, there were two groups debating and one observing. Every group chose a leader who started every argument topic. I was elected leader of the observation/commenting team, and that apparently made me the debate leader. I had to start the debate, control the time and comment on the arguments. It is a pretty cool feeling to lead a debate in Chinese when you see the teams divided in the room arguing and opposing. I learned a lot of new words thanks to this hour-long debate and it definitely improved my talking skills speaking in front of a large group.

Also I realized I haven't written anything about my mid-term exams. This time I had four of them, and I got over 92% on all of them. Best was the listening comprehension result, believe it or not, with 97/100. I'm very happy with that and can only hope that I will perform that good on my finals in June as well.

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